Skin Care


7 Best Ways To Take Care Of Your Skin


Your skin is not only for aesthetic purposes: it’s the largest organ that protects you against environmental pollutants. As such, it’s only logical to always try to keep it in tip-top shape. Here are some of the best ways to do it: 

Never Skip Sunscreens

It doesn’t matter how much whitening or anti-aging products you lather if you’re not protecting your skin. That’s right; your skincare regimen is for naught if you skip one crucial step - sunscreen. This product acts as a barrier protecting your skin from the sun and fights off skin cancer.

As such, you must apply sunscreen not only on days you’re out on the beach. Instead, apply broad-spectrum sunscreen even indoors on both your face and body. This will prevent your skin from harmful UV rays, which can cause sunburn, premature aging, and melanoma. 

Get a Sufficient Dose of Vitamins

Yet another foolproof way to take care of your skin is to ensure you get a sufficient dose of vitamins. As you grow older, your skin gets less elastic due to the lack of collagen production. As a result, cell degeneration can occur, making you look older and causing wrinkles to appear. 

This can be avoided if you properly boost your vitamin count and increase your intake of antioxidants. You can do this by using serums and creams that are potent enough to repair your skin. If you’re not into these, you can opt for oral ones like those containing vitamin C, E, selenium, and zinc. 

Practice an Appropriate Skincare Routine

You may have used a skincare product that worked wonders on your colleague but did nothing for you. This doesn’t mean that the brand is faulty or using the wrong combination of ingredients. Instead, know that there are products formulated to take better care of your skin type. 

For instance, you should use a moisturizing glycolic cleanser to cure dry skin rather than salicylic gels. If you’re suffering from melasma or brown spots, it’s best to apply brightening products instead. Simply put, build a skincare routine that is well-suited to keeping your skin young and healthy. 

Avoid Falling Asleep With Makeup

No doubt there are days when you’re tempted to head straight to bed without washing your face. However, you should fight this urge if you’re adamant about taking better care of your skin. Doing so will prevent dirt, oils, and toxins from clogging your pores resulting in acne and irritation.

Aside from this, cleansing your face after a long day will brighten your complexion and improve your skin texture over time. If you stay consistent, you won’t have to worry about wrinkles, acne spots, and fine lines. Bonus tip: use skin-friendly products labeled as non-comedogenic to further improve skincare habits. 

Don’t Forget to Exfoliate Dead Skin 

You may think washing your skin with soap is enough to keep it healthy and in tip-top condition. However, you’d have to do more than this to make sure you’re properly meeting your skin’s needs. Specifically, you must include exfoliation in your routine to get rid of dead skin cells. 

Doing so has many benefits, including better product absorption, collagen synthesis, and boosted cell turnover rate. It doesn’t matter if you’re using a physical or chemical exfoliant so long as it’s gentle enough not to harm the skin. Also, it’s best to exfoliate one to three times a week to give your skin time to recover between treatments. 

Practice a Healthy Lifestyle

While it may sound cliche, it’s true that fresh, glowing skin comes from within. As such, a great diet with plenty of exercise is one of the top-tier ways to take care of your skin. If you’re having acne breakouts, maybe it’s time to evaluate what you’re doing in your current lifestyle. 

Rather than eating unhealthy, high-glycemic foods, fill your diet with nutritious sustenance. Similarly, you should also ensure that you’re making time for physical activities. This will effectively keep your body in good shape while detoxifying your skin cells.  

Invest in Facials and Holistic Treatments

If you’re looking for more ways to take care of your skin, visit a spa that offers the best skin care and esthetician services. This will allow you to know your skin’s current state and uncover its needs to be healthy and glowing. You can then invest in facial treatments and holistic therapies tailored to address your skin worries. 

For instance, your aesthetician may recommend you get carbon treatment if your skin looks dull. You may also undergo acupuncture if you aim to hydrate, tone, and eliminate wrinkles on the face and your whole body. 

To Wrap It Up

There are several ways for you to take care of your skin, mainly by creating your skin care regimen. These include never skipping your sunscreen and regularly using a gentle exfoliant. Of course, you should also keep a healthy lifestyle and cleanse your skin before bed. If you’re willing to go the extra mile, you should incorporate facial treatments into your routine. 


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